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Volume 31, 2017

Table of Contents

Latest Issue:

Volume 31, Issue 4, 2017

Special Issue: Neurogenetics in Spain


Special Issue Articles




Neurogenetics in Spain

Alberto Ferrús (Guest Editor


Original Research Articles


Orb2 as modulator of Brat and their role at the neuromuscular junction

Elena Santana & Sergio Casas-Tintó


Overexpression of Drosophila frataxin triggers cell death in an iron-dependent manner

Oliver Edenharter, Janik Clement, Stephan Schneuwly, & Juan A. Navarro


Review Articles


The pigmented epithelium, a bright partner against photoreceptor degeneration

Joaquín Letelier, Paola Bovolenta & Juan R. Martínez-Morales


Aberrant Wnt signaling: a special focus in CNS diseases

Mercedes Arnés & Sergio Casas Tintó


Local translation of the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) mRNA in the vertebrate central nervous system

María Luz Montesinos


Untangling the wiring of the Drosophila visual system: developmental principles and molecular strategies

Haritz Plazaola-Sasieta, Alejandra Fernández-Pineda, Qi Zhu & Marta Morey


Neurogenetics of Drosophila circadian clock: expect the unexpected

Patricia Jarabo & Francisco A. Martin


Molecular bases of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder: shedding light on the darkness

Germán Cuesto, Claude Everaerts, Leticia G. León, & Angel Acebes


Novel genetic approaches to behavior in Drosophila

Fernando Martín & Esther Alcorta


Interaction of sex chromosome complement, gonadal hormones and neuronal steroid synthesis on the sexual differentiation of mammalian neurons

Maria Julia Cambiasso, Carla Daniela Cisternas, Isabel Ruiz-Palmero, Maria Julia Scerbo, Maria Angeles Arevalo, Iñigo Azcoitia & Luis M. Garcia-Segura

Computational prediction of the phenotypic effects of genetic variants: basic concepts and some application examples in Drosophila nervous system genes

Alejandro Sánchez-Gracia, Sara Guirao-Rico, Silvia Hinojosa-Alvarez & Julio Rozas



Regular Submissions


Letters to the Editor


RE: Six novel rare non-synonymous mutations for migraine without aura identified by exome sequencing

Cassie L. Albury, Zachary Gerring, Lyn R. Griffiths, Dale R. Nyhol & Astrid J. Rodriguez-Acevedo


Response from Original Authors - RE: Six novel rare nonsynonymous mutations for migraine without aura identified by exome sequencing

Xiao-Ping Wang, Zhi-Xiang Xu, Xiao-Jing Sun & Xingguang Luo


Original Research Articles


Generation and characterization of new alleles of quiver (qvr) that encodes an extracellular modulator of the Shaker potassium channel

Hongyu Ruan, Atsushi Ueda, Xiaomin Xing, Xuxuan Wan, Benjamin Strub, Spencer Mukai, Kaan Certel, David Green, Kyle Belozerov, Wei-Dong Yao, Wayne Johnson, Jim Jung-Ching Lin, Arthur J. Hilliker & Chun-Fang Wu


Overexpression of U1 snRNA induces decrease of U1 spliceosome function associated with Alzheimer’s disease

Zhi Cheng, Yingchun Shang, Shan Gao & Tao Zhang


Association of transcription factor 4 (TCF4) gene mRNA level with schizophrenia, its psychopathology, intelligence and cognitive impairments

Fatemeh Alizadeh, Javad Tavakkoly-Bazzaz, Ali Bozorgmehr, Asa’ad Azarnezhad, Mina Tabrizi & Esmaeil Shahsavand Ananloo




Correction to: Albury et al., RE: Six novel rare non-synonymous mutations for migraine without aura identified by exome sequencing




Volume 31, Issue 3, 2017

Special Issue: Zebrafish: From Genes and Neurons to Circuits, Behavior and Disease


Special Issue Articles




Zebrafish: from genes and neurons to circuits, behavior and disease

Guest Editors Anand Chandrasekhar, Su Guo, Ichiro Masai, & Teresa Nicolson; Editor-in-Chief Chun-Fang Wu


Review Articles


The power of projectomes: genetic mosaic labeling in the larval zebrafish brain reveals organizing principles of sensory circuits

Estuardo Robles


Genetic approaches to retinal research in zebrafish

Stephanie Niklaus & Stephan C. F. Neuhauss


Neurotoxicity of cGMP in the vertebrate retina: from the initial research on rd mutant mice to zebrafish genetic approaches

Maria Iribarne & Ichiro Masai


The genetics of hair-cell function in zebrafish

Teresa Nicolson


Light on a sensory interface linking the cerebrospinal fluid to motor circuits in vertebrate

Lydia Djenoune & Claire Wyart


Original Research Articles


Role of branchiomotor neurons in controlling food intake of zebrafish larvae

James R. Allen, Kiran D. Bhattacharyya, Emilia Asante, Badr Almadi, Kyle Schafer, Jeremy Davis, Jane Cox, Mark Voigt, John A. Viator,

& Anand Chandrasekhar


Heritable natural variation of an anxiety-like behavior in larval zebrafish

Mahendra Wagle , Juliana Nguyen, Shinwoo Lee, Noah Zaitlen, & Su Guo



Regular Submissions


Short Communication


Primary familial brain calcifications linked with a novel SLC20A2 gene mutation in a Chinese family

Tao-Mian MiWei MaoYan-Ning CaiCai-Xia YangChao-Dong WangEr-He XuHui Zhang, & Piu Chan


Original Articles


Obsessive–compulsive disorder, which genes? Which functions? Which pathways? An integrated holistic view regarding OCD and its complex genetic etiology

Ali BozorgmehrMohammad Ghadirivasfi, & Esmaeil Shahsavand Ananloo


LGMD2E is the most common type of sarcoglycanopathies in the Iranian population

Afagh Alavi, Sara Esmaeili, Yalda Nilipour, Shahriar Nafissi, Seyed Hasan Tonekaboni, Gholamreza Zamani, Mahmoud Reza Ashrafi, Kimia Kahrizi, Hossein Najmabadi, & Fatemeh Jazayeri


Loss of control over the ethanol consumption: differential transcriptional regulation in prefrontal cortex

Carolina de Paiva Lima, Daniel Almeida da Silva e Silva, Samara Damasceno, Andrea Frozino Ribeiro, Cristiane S. Rocha, Alexandre H. Berenguer de Matos, Diego Correia, Roseli Boerngen-Lacerda, & Ana Lúcia Brunialti Godard




Volume 31, Issue 1-2, 2017




Gene polymorphisms associated with temperament

Xiaoyan Qiu, Graeme B. Martin, & Dominique Blache


Short Communications


Drift diffusion model of reward and punishment learning in rare alpha-synuclein gene carriers

Ahmed A. Moustafa, Szabolcs Kéri, Bertalan Polner, & Corey White


Novel PNKP mutation in siblings with ataxia-oculomotor apraxia type 4

Nicoline Schiess, Davis S. Zee, Khurram A. Siddiqui, Miklos Szolics, & Ayman W. El-Hattab


A novel mutation in ALS2 associated with severe and progressive infantile onset of spastic paralysis

Huma Tariq, Shahid Mukthar, & Sadaf Naz


Original Research Articles


Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of GABRG2 variants: a recurrent GABRG2 missense variant associated with a severe phenotype

Fanggeng Zou, Kirsty McWalter, Lindsay Schmidt, Amy Decker, Jonathan D. Picker, Sharyn Lincoln, David A. Sweetser, Lauren C. Briere, Chellamani Harini, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Eric Marsh, Livija Medne, Raymond Y. Wang, Karen Leydiker, Andrew Mower, Gepke Visser, Inge Cuppen, Koen L. van Gassen, Jasper van der Smagt, Adeel Yousaf, Michael Tennison, Anita Shanmugham, Elizabeth Butler, Gabriele Richard & Dianalee McKnight


Astroglial transcriptome dysregulation in early disease of an ALS mutant SOD1 mouse model

Sean J. Miller, Ping-wu Zhang, Jenna Glatzer, & Jeffrey D. Rothstein


Quantitative analysis of visually induced courtship elements in Drosophila subobscura

Tomohiro Higuchi, Soh Kohatsu, & Daisuke Yamamoto

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