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Volume 26, 2012

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Volume 26, Issue 3-4, 2013

Special Issue: Obaid Siddiqi at 80 and Neurogenetics in India

Special Issue Articles


Obaid Siddiqi at 80 and Neurogenetics in India

Guest Editors K. S. Krishnan & Mani Ramaswami; Editor-in-Chief Chun-Fang Wu


Obaid Siddiqi: Celebrating His Life in Science and the Cultural Transmission of Its Values

K. Vijayraghavan

Original Research Articles

An Exciting Journey Into Excitability

Satpal Singh

A Welcome to Drosophila Olfaction

John R. Carlson

The Early Years of Drosophila Chemosensory Genetics in Mumbai's Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Gaiti Hasan


‘Humans and Other Animals’—On the Scope of Brain Science

M. Heisenberg

Obaid Siddiqi and the Justification for Giving Neuroscience Courses in Countries With Little Money for Research

John Nicholls


Potassium Channels in Drosophila: Historical Breakthroughs, Significance, and Perspectives

Roman V. Frolov, Archis Bagati, Brittany Casino, & Satpal Singh

Neurogenetics of Slow Axonal Transport: From Cells to Animals

Aparna Sadananda, & Krishanu Ray

Original Research Articles

Avoidance of Heat and Attraction to Optogenetically Induced Sugar Sensation as Operant Behavior in Adult Drosophila

Nidhi Nuwal, Patrick Stock, Jochen Hiemeyer, Benjamin Schmid, André Fiala, & Erich Buchner

Automated Quantification of Locomotion, Social Interaction, and Mate Preference in Drosophila Mutants

Atulya Iyengar, Jordan Imoehl, Atsushi Ueda, Jeffery Nirschl, & Chun-Fang Wu

*See Correction

A mutation in Drosophila Aldolase Causes Temperature-Sensitive Paralysis, Shortened Lifespan, and Neurodegeneration

Daniel Miller, Colleen Hannon, & Barry Ganetzky

Functional Complementation of Drosophila itpr Mutants by Rat Itpr1

Sumita Chakraborty & Gaiti Hasan

Identification of a Suppressor of Retinal Degeneration in Drosophila Photoreceptors

Plamen Georgiev, Sarah Toscano, Amit Nair, Roger Hardie, & Padinjat Raghu

Genetic Modifiers of comatose Mutations in Drosophila: Insights Into Neuronal NSF (N-Ethylmaleimide–Sensitive Fusion Factor) Functions

Subhabrata Sanyal & K. S. Krishnan


Special Issue Photogallery

Regular Submissions

Original Research Articles

Behavioral Phenotypic Properties of a Natural Occurring Rat Model of Congenital Stationary Night Blindness With Cacna1f Mutation

Jing An, Li Wang, Qun Guo, Li Li, Feng Xia, & Zuoming Zhang

The Drosophila Homologue of Tubulin-Specific Chaperone E–Like Protein Is Required for Synchronous Sperm Individualization and Normal Male Fertility

Tulip Nuwal, Marlene Kropp, Stephanie Wegener, Sonja Racic, Itsaso Montalban, & Erich Buchner

KCNH2 Gene Mutation: A Potential Link Between Epilepsy and Long QT-2 Syndrome

José J. Zamorano-León, Rosa Yañez, Gabriel Jaime, Pablo Rodriguez-Sierra, Laura Calatrava-Ledrado, Roman R. Alvarez-Granada, Petra Jiménez Mateos-Cáceres, Carlos Macaya, & Antonio J. López-Farré

Polymorphisms in Genes Involved in Inflammatory Pathways in Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Mariko Hiramatsu, Masaaki Teranishi, Yasue Uchida, Naoki Nishio, Hidenori Suzuki, Ken Kato, Hironao Otake, Tadao Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Tagaya, Hirokazu Suzuki, Michihiko Sone, Saiko Sugiura, Fujiko Ando, Hiroshi Shimokata, & Tsutomu Nakashima

Inter-tissue Networks Between the Basal Forebrain, Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex in a Model for Depression Caused by Disturbed Sleep

Markus Lagus, Natalia Gass, Juha Saharinen, Sergey Savelyev, Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, & Tiina Paunio

Clinical, In Silico, and Experimental Evidence for Pathogenicity of Two Novel Splice Site Mutations in the SH3TC2 Gene

Petra Laššuthová, Martin Gregor, Lenka Sarnová, Eliška Machalová, Radek Sedláček, & Pavel Seeman



Volume 26, Issue 2, 2013

Special Issue: Bill Pak's Vision: The Neurogenetics of Phototransduction

Special Issue Articles


Bill Pak's Vision: The Neurogenetics of Phototransduction

Guest Editor Joseph E. O'Tousa & Editor-in-Chief Chun-Fang Wu


The History of the Prolonged Depolarizing Afterpotential (PDA) and Its Role in Genetic Dissection of Drosophila Phototransduction

Baruch Minke

Proteomics of Drosophila Compound Eyes: Early Studies, Now, and the Future—Light-Induced Protein Phosphorylation as an Example

Hiroyuki Matsumoto

Impact of Studies of the Drosophila norpA Mutation on Understanding Phototransduction

Randall D. Shortridge

From Drosophila to Humans: Reflections on the Roles of the Prolyl Isomerases and Chaperones, Cyclophilins, in Cell Function and Disease

Paulo A. Ferreira & Andrew Orry

The Regulations of Drosophila Phototransduction

Hung-Tat Leung, Shikoh Shino, & Eunju Kim

In Search of Proteins That Are Important for Synaptic Functions in Drosophila Visual System

Eunju Kim, Shikoh Shino, Jaeseung Yoon, & Hung-Tat Leung

Kinase Signaling Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: A Reverse Genetic Approach in Drosophila

Yong Huang, Sushila Shenoy, Bingwei Lu, Wencheng Liu, & Chenjian Li


Bill Pak, Neurobiology, ninaE, and Me

Jay Hirsh


Pak Special Issue Photogallery

Original Research Articles

A Role for the Cytoplasmic DEAD Box Helicase Dbp21E2 in Rhodopsin Maturation and Photoreceptor Viability

Karen L. Hibbard & Joseph E. O'Tousa

Mechanical and Temperature Stressor–Induced Seizure-and-Paralysis Behaviors in Drosophila Bang-Sensitive Mutants

Martin G. Burg & Chun-Fang Wu

Behavioral Analysis of Drosophila Transformants Expressing Human Taste Receptor Genes in the Gustatory Receptor Neurons

Ryota Adachi, Yuko Sasaki, Hiromi Morita, Michio Komai, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Tomoko Goto, Akira Furuyama, & Kunio Isono

Starvation-Induced Elevation of Taste Responsiveness and Expression of a Sugar Taste Receptor Gene in Drosophila melanogaster

Azusa Nishimura, Yuko Ishida, Aya Takahashi, Haruka Okamoto, Marina Sakabe, Masanobu Itoh, Toshiyuki Takano-Shimizu, & Mamiko Ozaki

Regular Submissions

Original Research Articles

PDA (Prolonged Depolarizing Afterpotential)–Defective Mutants: The Story of nina's and ina'spinta and santa maria, Too

William L. Pak, Shikoh Shino, & Hung-Tat Leung

Serotonin is Critical for Rewarded Olfactory Short-Term Memory in Drosophila

Divya Sitaraman, Holly LaFerriere, Serge Birman, & Troy Zars

Aging-Associated Alteration of Telomere Length and Subtelomeric Status in Female Patients With Parkinson's Disease

Toyoki Maeda, Jing Zhi Guan, Masamichi Koyanagi, Yoshihiro Higuchi, & Naoki Makino


Correction: Phenotypic Variability in a Large Czech Family with a Dynamin 2 – Associated Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy


Volume 26, Issue 1, 2013

Special Issue: The Hotta Neurogenetics School

Special Issue Articles


The Hotta Neurogenetics School

Guest Editors Yasushi Hiromi & Hitoshi Okamoto; Editor-in-Chief Chun-Fang Wu


Yoshiki Hotta's influence

Yuh-Nung Jan

Yoshiki and KS222

William A. Harris

A Personal Recollection of Yoshiki Hotta as a Mentor

Hitoshi Okamoto

Working with Yoshiki: Two-Dimensional Gels and Freeze-Drying Fruitflies

Shinobu C. Fujita

A Sense of Presentation: Hotta's Maxims

Kuniyoshi L. Sakai

Yoshiki Hotta's Challenge: From 2004 Onwards

Tadashi Uemura & Kaoru Sugimura

New Directions of EvoDevo: Revisiting Ideas of Professor Hotta

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda


Yoshiki Hotta and the Dawn of Zebrafish Molecular Neurogenetics in Japan

Shin-ichi Higashijima & Hitoshi Okamoto

Phosphoinositide Metabolism in Drosophila Phototransduction: A Coffee Break Discussion Leads to 30 Years of History

Emiko Suzuki, Ichiro Masai, & Hiroko Inoue

Acute Genetic Manipulation of Neuronal Activity for the Functional Dissection of Neural Circuits—A Dream Come True for the Pioneers of Behavioral Genetics

Moto Yoshihara & Kei Ito

Original Research Articles​

Identification of Proteasome Components Required for Apical Localization of Chaoptin Using Functional Genomics

Hiroyuki Yano, Miki Yamamoto-Hino, Wakae Awano, Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita, Kayoko Tsuda-Sakurai, Hideyuki Okano, & Satoshi Goto

Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Metabolism in Synaptic Growth, Strength, and Precision: Neural and Behavioral Phenotype-Specific Counterbalancing Effects between dnc Phosphodiesterase and rut Adenylyl Cyclase Mutations

Atsushi Ueda & Chun-Fang Wu


Hotta Special Issue Photogallery

Regular Submission

Original Research Article

Mapping Neural Circuits with Activity-Dependent Nuclear Import of a Transcription Factor

Kaoru Masuyama, Yi Zhang, Yi Rao, & Jing W. Wang

Volume 26, Supplementary Issue 1, 2013


Abstracts for Plenary Lectures 

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